This article comes from the LeS dOiGtS bLeUs archive
Following the white rabbit
"Have you ever had that feeling when you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming ?" (Neo, "Matrix")
In the early 1990s a new concept came into being in the video game world : Virtual Reality. Virtual Reality (VR) was about creating video games that seemed so real that the players would lose themselves into them and see them as reality. VR has never been able to reach that aim because graphics were never realistic enough and because a video game is something you can turn off, it is a reality you can get in and out of whenever you want.
Electronic Arts (a famous video game company) has just launched a new game which will revolve the world of VR. It is called Majestic and the first step to "playing" it is to allow Electronic Arts (EA) to intervene at any time in your private life through your phone, mail, e-mail, fax or messengers. It's not something you can turn off, it's there, informers send you messages, people threaten you over the phone in the middle of the night, people send you strange letters... the only way to stop playing is to stop paying the monthly subscription fee to EA.
This game has been praised as much as it's been stigmatized : some people find it revolutionnary and exciting, some other people find it intrusive and abusive. The plot of the game is that you have to find out who killed the creator of Majestic and why (the actual creator is not dead, he's alive and quite wealthy). Some people will help you, some others will chase you, and so on... The particularity of this game is that it has no graphics : there is no virtual character whom you have to play with using a joypad, you're the hero of the game, your home is where it all takes place (in fact your role is to find information and send it to people), you play the whole game through the net using e-mail, messengers, phone, fax... it's not a fictionnal character that lives the events of the game, you're the one who goes through all the events. The game is real in that it touches you directly, in all the other video games the graphics play the part of an interface between you and the game, it creates a distance with the game, whereas in Majestic there's no distance : it's reality, virtual reality.
If you want to know more about Majestic browse their site :
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